Chainlink at ETHDenver

Connect with the Chainlink Labs team during the ETHDenver.

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Join the Chainlink Build Program

Unlock your project’s full potential with Chainlink Build, a program designed to accelerate the growth of Web3 projects by providing enhanced access to Chainlink services and support.

Apply today
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Integrate Chainlink services

If you’re building a Web3 project that leverages the Chainlink standard, the Chainlink Labs team would love to chat.

Talk to an expert


Feb 24 - 26th
10 AM - 6 PM MST

Join us for a week of building and learning at the National Western Complex. Our DevRel team will be available to provide insights, guidance, and support as you dive into your hackathon projects and build something awesome using Chainlink.

Feb 28 - Mar 1st
Chainlink House
3:00 PM -  7:30 PM MST

Experience the ultimate hub for innovation, collaboration, and connection at ETHDenver. Chainlink House is your one-stop destination to learn, network, and build alongside the brightest minds in Web3.

Feb 28th
LinkUp Brunch
10:30 AM - 12:30 PM MST

A unique, invite-only opportunity to connect with top minds in the industry, share ideas, and explore potential collaborations, all while enjoying a curated brunch.

Visit Chainlink’s Table During #BUIDLWeek.

Our team will be around to support you while you build something innovative using Chainlink technology.

Prize tracks:

  • Best use of Chainlink CCIP
    • The best 3 projects will receive $3,000 each
  • Connect the World with Chainlink
    • The best 2 projects will receive $3,000 each
Apply now

Other places you’ll find Chainlink

Feb 25 | HederaCon

Feb 25 | Tokenized Capital Summit

Feb 26 | Innovate Denver

Feb 26 | Stable Summit II